Canadians Worried About Recession, New Poll Finds

Most Canadians believe Canada is entering an economic recession and many feel less financially secure than they did a year ago, a new poll for Postmedia has found.

The national survey by Mainstreet Research was conducted just over a week into the federal election campaign and suggests the ailing economy will become a defining issue of the race.
The poll of 5,401 Canadians on Aug. 10-11 asked: “Do you think the economy is entering a recession or not?”

It found that 61 per cent people believed the country is heading into a recession — compared to just 17 per cent who disagreed and 21 per cent who weren’t sure.

On a personal level, the survey found a significant level of anxiety among Canadians about their own financial well-being in recent months.

People were asked: “Would you say you feel more financially secure, less secure, or about as secure as you felt a year ago?”

Forty-four per cent said they are less financially secure, compared to 33 per cent who said nothing had changed; 14 per cent who said they were more secure; and eight per cent who weren’t sure.

Mainstreet Research President Quito Maggi said in an interview that the poll provides a notable signal for the campaign. “The ballot box question could very well be: Who is best to manage us through this next recession?”

The Canadian economy shrank for each of the first five months of this year. On Sept. 1, Statistics Canada will release more data for June’s economic output. It’s widely expected the figures will show the trend continuing and that, with two quarters of negative growth, Canada is now officially in a recession.

The party leaders have all tried to turn economic uncertainty to their own political advantage.

Conservative Leader Stephen Harper is seeking a fourth mandate based partly on the claim that he will be a better economic manager than his political rivals because his status-quo policies reject tax hikes and “reckless” spending.

In Regina Thursday, he said that despite falling oil prices, the debt crisis in Europe, and instability in Chinese markets, Canada is doing a good job on things it can control: eliminating the deficit, promoting international trade and investing in training.

NDP Leader Tom Mulcair and Liberal leader Justin Trudeau say the weak economy is proof that they should be trusted with power to help the jobless and improve conditions for middle-class families.

In Saskatoon Thursday, Trudeau said Harper has the worst economic growth record of any prime minister since R.B. Bennett “in the depths of the Great Depression.”

Maggi said that while voters tend to blame sitting governments when the economy goes sour, Harper has managed to “deflect the blame so far” and maintain support from his base by drawing attention to international economic problems.

“Politically, it’s a smart thing that he is doing.

“I think it can go a number of ways. I think when people are pessimistic they can say, ‘Let’s stay the course, let’s not change horses amid stream, let’s play the safe bet.’ ”

He said there’s also a risk the Conservatives’ claims of a balanced budget could be exposed to be false – thereby damaging their credibility.

For its poll, Mainstream surveyed landlines and cellphones to obtain a random sample by interactive voice response (IVR). The margin of error is 1.35 percentage points, 19 times out of 20.

A new Mainstreet/Postmedia poll shows the three-way split remains among voters when asked which party they intend to support in the federal election. The Liberals and NDP are virtually tied in support among all voters, while the Conservatives are slightly ahead, though barely, especially when the margin of error is taken into consideration. That three-way split is also evident when respondents were asked who they think would be best to handle the problems in the Senate.

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